Delicious Pasta all’Arrabbiata Recipe: A Spicy Italian Delight! 2024

Pasta all’Arrabbiata is a zesty and fiery Italian pasta dish that’s perfect for spice enthusiasts! The name “Arrabbiata” translates to “angry” in Italian, indicating the dish’s spiciness. This classic recipe features a vibrant tomato-based sauce infused with garlic, red pepper flakes, and fresh herbs, creating a burst of flavors that’ll tantalize your taste buds.

Delicious Pasta all'Arrabbiata Recipe: A Spicy Italian Delight! 2024
Delicious Pasta all’Arrabbiata Recipe: A Spicy Italian Delight! 2024

Step by Step: Pasta all’Arrabbiata Recipe


  • 12 oz (340g) dried pasta (penne or spaghetti work well)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 can (14 oz/400g) crushed tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (adjust to taste for spice level)
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley or basil (for garnish)
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (optional, for serving)

Prepare the Pasta:

Prepare the Pasta:
Prepare the Pasta:
  • Boil Water: Take a large pot and fill it with water. Add a pinch of salt to the water. Place the pot on the stove over high heat and wait for the water to come to a rolling boil.
  • Add Pasta: Once the water is boiling, carefully add the dried pasta to the pot. Stir gently to make sure the pasta doesn’t stick together.
  • Cook Pasta: Follow the instructions on the pasta package for the cooking time. Stir the pasta occasionally while it cooks to prevent it from clumping together. Check the pasta a couple of minutes before the recommended time to see if it’s ‘al dente’—cooked but with a slight firmness.
  • Drain Pasta: When the pasta is ‘al dente’, turn off the heat. Carefully pour the contents of the pot into a colander in the sink to drain the water. Be cautious as the steam and water may be hot.
  • Save Pasta Water: Before draining all the water, set aside about 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking water. This reserved water can be used later to adjust the consistency of the sauce.
  • Set Aside Pasta: Once drained, return the cooked pasta to the pot or a bowl. Keep it aside until you’re ready to combine it with the Arrabbiata sauce.

Make the Arrabbiata Sauce

  • Heat Olive Oil: Take a large saucepan or skillet and put it on the stove over medium heat. Add the olive oil to the pan.
  • Sauté Garlic: Once the oil is warm (but not too hot), add the minced garlic to the pan. Stir it continuously for about a minute. Make sure the garlic becomes fragrant and soft but doesn’t turn brown.
  • Add Red Pepper Flakes: Sprinkle the red pepper flakes into the pan with the garlic. Stir them in for about 30 seconds to a minute. Adjust the quantity according to how spicy you want the sauce to be.
  • Incorporate Crushed Tomatoes: Pour the crushed tomatoes into the pan with the garlic and red pepper flakes. Stir everything together well, making sure the garlic and red pepper flakes are evenly distributed throughout the sauce.
  • Simmer the Sauce: Let the sauce simmer over medium-low heat for around 15 to 20 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the pan. The sauce will gradually thicken and develop flavors as it cooks.
  • Season and Taste: After simmering, season the sauce with salt and freshly ground black pepper according to your taste preferences. Feel free to adjust the seasoning to suit your liking.
  • Adjust Consistency (if needed): If the sauce seems too thick, you can add a little bit of the reserved pasta water (the water you saved from cooking the pasta) to loosen it up. Add it gradually until you reach the desired consistency.

Create the Tomato Sauce: Pour the crushed tomatoes into the pan, stirring them well with the garlic and red pepper flakes. Let this sauce simmer for around 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. You want it to thicken a bit. Season the sauce with salt and black pepper according to your taste.

Combine Pasta and Sauce: Add the cooked pasta into the pan with the sauce. Gently mix them together so that the pasta gets coated evenly. If the sauce seems too thick, you can add a little bit of the reserved pasta water to loosen it up.

Final Touch: Sprinkle freshly chopped parsley or basil on top of the pasta for added flavor and a pop of color. When serving, you can also sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese on top if you like.

Storage: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently on the stove or in the microwave, adding a splash of water to loosen the sauce if needed.

Additional Tips:

  1. Adjust the spiciness by adding more or fewer red pepper flakes according to your preference.
  2. For extra depth of flavor, you can sauté some diced onions along with the garlic at the beginning of the sauce-making process.
  3. Freshly grated Parmesan cheese adds a delightful finishing touch, but feel free to omit it for a dairy-free option.

Yield, Prep time and Calories

  • Yield: This recipe typically yields about 4 servings.
  • Prep Time: The total preparation time for this Pasta all’Arrabbiata recipe, including both cooking the sauce and pasta, usually takes around 25-30 minutes.
  • Calories: The calorie count for a single serving of Pasta all’Arrabbiata can vary depending on the specific ingredients used and portion sizes. On average, a serving of Pasta all’Arrabbiata can range from 300 to 400 calories per serving.
YieldPrep TimeCalories per Serving
4 servings25-30 minutes300-400 calories
Yield, Prep time and Calories

What to Serve with Pasta all’Arrabbiata:

What to Serve with Pasta all'Arrabbiata:
What to Serve with Pasta all’Arrabbiata:
  • Simple Side Salad: Prepare a light and refreshing side salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and a drizzle of vinaigrette dressing. The salad’s freshness nicely complements the spicy flavors of the pasta.
  • Crusty Bread or Garlic Bread: Serve slices of crusty bread or garlic bread on the side. They’re perfect for soaking up the flavorful Arrabbiata sauce and adding an extra texture to your meal.
  • Steamed Vegetables: Steam a medley of vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini, or bell peppers. Their vibrant colors and crisp texture provide a wonderful contrast to the spicy pasta.
  • Grilled Chicken or Shrimp: For a heartier meal, consider adding grilled chicken strips or sautéed shrimp. They make a great protein addition to the dish and complement the spicy flavors of the Arrabbiata sauce.
  • Herb-Roasted Potatoes: Roast small potatoes seasoned with herbs like rosemary, thyme, and garlic. The earthy flavors of the potatoes pair well with the zesty pasta.

Enjoy making and savoring this Pasta all’Arrabbiata recipe! It’s a quick, easy, and flavorful dish that’ll leave you wanting more. Buon Appetito!

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What does “Arrabbiata” mean?

“Arrabbiata” translates to “angry” in Italian. In the context of this dish, it refers to the spiciness of the sauce due to the addition of red pepper flakes.

Is Pasta all’Arrabbiata very spicy?

The spiciness of Pasta all’Arrabbiata can vary based on personal preference and the amount of red pepper flakes used. You can adjust the level of spiciness by adding more or less red pepper flakes according to your taste.

Can I use fresh tomatoes instead of canned crushed tomatoes?

Absolutely! You can substitute canned crushed tomatoes with fresh tomatoes. Simply blanch, peel, and chop fresh tomatoes before adding them to the sauce. Cook them down until they break down and form a sauce-like consistency.

What type of pasta is best for Pasta all’Arrabbiata?

Penne and spaghetti are popular choices for Pasta all’Arrabbiata, but you can use other pasta shapes like rigatoni or fusilli. Choose a pasta shape with nooks and crannies to hold the spicy sauce.

Can I make Pasta all’Arrabbiata ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the sauce in advance and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat it gently on the stove, adding a splash of water if needed, before combining it with freshly cooked pasta.

Is Pasta all’Arrabbiata vegetarian?

Yes, the basic Pasta all’Arrabbiata recipe is vegetarian. However, some variations may include ingredients like pancetta or bacon for added flavor, so it’s best to check the recipe if you’re looking for a vegetarian option.

How can I reduce the spiciness of the sauce?

To reduce the heat, you can decrease the amount of red pepper flakes or omit them entirely. You can also balance the spiciness by adding a bit more crushed tomatoes or a splash of cream to mellow the heat.

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